"O shrieve me, shrieve me, holy man!"
The Hermit cross'd his brow.
"Say quick," quoth he, "I bid thee say—
What manner of man art thou?"

Forthwith this frame of mine was wrench'd
With a woful agony,
Which forced me to begin my tale;
And then it left me free.

Monday, August 01, 2005

the other blue pill...

dateline: 3am, on the dot.
and matchbox 20's then hit song played in my subconscious background... after my gonna-see-how-skinny-i-got-in-front-of-the-mirror routine, i washed my hands off with alcohol, as is my regimen... i was reading a magazine earlier, and had to get the feeling of paper outta my fingers... i actually washed off for another reason... one that i've been contemplating on since i got settled back in my room. to pop or not to pop, that is the question. the non-nocturnal creatures of the metropolis are usually in deep slumber at right about this time, "REM cycle" as science guys would call it, "dreaming" for those of you who're lost in translation... and there goes Rob Thomas again, "it's 3am i must be lonely..." (i better finish this quick, 'coz the great calm is almost, no, is upon me) heard of the blue pill? viagara, right? the one that keeps your tallywhacker in full fighting mode for God knows how long (i don't know of course, 'coz i haven't tried it)... well, my blue pill is an antithesis. you know that feeling when you're on crack? the one where you can feel your breathing slow down, and you just feel calm, so relaxed, and serene... my blue pill can do that... (double vision starts here) i started with curiosity and might even be killed by it... my head, it feels like a paperweight right now. my eyes, dreading the fact that i have to type this in, while my body is relaxing itself... a fully awake flashback of the vietnam war crossed... i am chiaroscuro, animated. personified even... i'm torm between light and dark, just as i am once again right now... that little blue pill... my ticket outta here. let's see what volatile liquid would best suit its effects. i await my sentence... and death, i fully welcome thee. with open arms, i am yours, take me! and i shall be released... (the light fades now and the Virgil of my own dreams await me) he takes me to where my mind can rest... and offer sanctuary for my body... this it it... i bade the world... good night...


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