"O shrieve me, shrieve me, holy man!"
The Hermit cross'd his brow.
"Say quick," quoth he, "I bid thee say—
What manner of man art thou?"

Forthwith this frame of mine was wrench'd
With a woful agony,
Which forced me to begin my tale;
And then it left me free.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

you came... you saw... you cried...

finally, the search is over... it's over now, i can't go back to being what i used to be... i have found what has been haunting my imagination and memory for the past 5 years or so... all those hours spent online, for even just a hint of what i can only describe as, "the affirmation of my childhood"... all the questions that i built around myself for others to see, yet answers unabound from spectators... truly, when they say, expect the unexpected, it is unexpected... of all the places, none could be more suitable... i found you, right there... in the hands of another man... inside a plastic bag. i saw you... and almost instantly, chills went up my spine. as if an apparition of beatific proportions had just manifested itself. but where you lay, you are just another trinket in that sea of collectibles... just another item. i asked for you, and you were handed to me... and there you were. in gorgeous pastel technicolor... the creature in your background... your clothing and appearance. yet another sensation of nostalgia. and it gets better... i turn you over... and i couldn't believe my eyes even though they were my own. that white-winged wonder in flight, and you boarding it. i have searched for you! and you were right under my nose all this time! i had ignored your name, for i did not know your identity. but you were in my hands... tangible... solid... affirmed. so what does a man do when he has found the object of his quest? he sits down in front of the television... presses "Play" on the DVD remote... and just fills himself with awe and childish admiration, as he watches the animated motion picture wide-eyed, amazed, and all... and in the ending, he cries... just like he did when he was young... circa, 1983-1987. - this is for Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind (Kaze no Tani no Naushika)


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