grab a spoon, joey says... hmmm... but you've already picked your ice cream, and a spoon. what's a guy to do? then joey adds, it's like your saying there's only one flavor of ice cream... he's retarded, yet makes a point. go figure! (this is jibberish, yes?) when you're at a store, shop, or boutique, if you may... do you get a particularly designed shirt in different colors? well, rarely... and yet, the idea is a conundrum... unless the rebecca bloomwood gene runs in your double helix, you, like almost everyone else will pick a particularly designed shirt, in only one particular color; one that suits you best. so why are there some people who get a shirt in different colors? paris hilton does... and then there's lindsay lohan. celebrities... alas! the pure parallelism of it all. with me so far? hehehe! what if i were to tell you, that you can have everything you want... but you may not. see what i mean? this falls under the category of, so near yet so far. and, as samantha jones puts it perfectly, it's like a diabetic making a trip to baskin robbins! straight woman in a bar full of cute, hunky, ripped gay men...
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